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OCG Journal and scientific publisher

The publication and dissemination of specialist publications is an important task of the OCG.

The members' magazine OCG Journal reports several times a year on the association's activities and on current, informatics-related topics. Since 1977, volumes have appeared regularly in the OCG publication series. More than 340 volumes have been published so far. The OCG Annual Report is published once a year. Proceedings of international conferences can be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

OCG Journal

The members' magazine OCG Journal reports several times a year on the association's activities and on current, informatics-related topics (mostly in German).


OCG Journal 01/2023 IT-Nachwuchsforschung in Österreich


OCG Journal 04/22 Gemeinsam unsere Welt sicherer machen

OCG Journal 03/22 Digitale Grundbildung. Jetzt Pflichtfach an Österreichs Schulen

OCG Journal 02/22 Virtuelle Welten 


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Scientific Publisher

The OCG Schriftenreihe is a small specialist publisher for ICT topics. The circulation  number for conference proceedings and for scientific monographs hardly exceeds 200 copies. The Committee OCG Publications evaluates the scientific value of the submitted volumes. The OCG is responsible for the co-operation with the publishers, the authors and the printer. Cost-covering production is necessary for all volumes. 

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OCG Jahresbericht 2022 Cover

OCG Annual Report

The OCG Annual Report is published once a year and it is presented to the OCG members at the Annual General Meeting.

Jahresbericht 2022

Contact OCG Editorial Office

Irina Scheitz, MA
+43 1 512 02 35-60